Sunday, September 19, 2010

Earthquake Stories

Addington children returned to school on Monday 13 September. They began the week by catching up with friends, sharing stories and practicing their "Drop, Cover and Hold" moves. Here are some of their stories...

We got in our car and drove and drove and drove. We were looking for a safe place.
My mum was saying “God please stop this” in our language. We didn’t know what was happening. We slept in our car. Our car kept rocking. I saw some smashed roads and houses.
I didn’t know what was happening. I was shaking and couldn’t stop. I thought a monster was coming to get us. I sleep under the table with mum every night now. I don’t like sleeping in my bed anymore.
When the shakes come my mum cuddles me.
My big brother jumped out the window and cut his arm. 
We put our mattresses all in one room and sleep together now. We like sleeping with mum and dad.
We know what to do if it shakes in our classroom and if we are in the playground. We are good at being Tommy Turtles.
My friends house fell down but ours is OK. It just shakes some times. We don’t like that. 

My chimney fell down but only on the outside of our house. 
Since the 7.1 original earthquake we have had over 700 aftershocks. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

School Re-opening after Earthquake

School will re-open tomorrow - Monday 13 September. We look forward to seeing you all again. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Earthquake - School Closure

School closed until Wednesday at least because of the earthquake. Things look OK but waiting on all the buildings to be checked over by the experts.